Monday, January 27, 2014

New Orleans Competition 2013

My cheer team, Elite Athletics, went to New Orleans last year for a cheer competition.  The plan was to all meet at the gym and leave together on two vans that we had rented for the trip.  We met around 5 that Friday morning and noticed that one of our teammates wasn't there. After calling him 10 times in a row and him not answering, we all hopped in the vans and drove away to his house to personally pick him up from his house.  30 mins later, we got our teammate and hit the road to New Orleans!  The trip all together was about 12-13 hours.  It was honestly one of the most fun trips ever because I got to ride with my second family and spend the whole weekend with them.  We got into New Orleans about 7:00 that night. After unloading all our luggage from the vans into our super nice hotel off of Bourbon street we headed out for a team dinner.  Team dinners are always so much fun because we all can be our crazy selves around each other.  After dinner we all went back to our rooms to get sleep for our big day of competition the next day.  Waking up at 6:00am to get all ready and prepped to go, we loaded the New Orleans shuttle and we were off to the arena where our competition was held! With much excitement and nervous feelings, we got to the warm up room and warmed up our stunts and tumbling and hit the competition mat as best as we could.  Walking off the floor that day with only dropping one stunt was a really good thing.  Let me add, this was a Worlds bid competition so it was huge! Worlds is the biggest cheer comp. ever and its any cheerleaders dream.  That night we ate dinner together and walked the crazy street of Bourbon and laughed all night with our teammates.  Still needing good rest for the next day we rested up and were off again to the competition arena! It was the last day competition so we had to make it the best! Our team went out there, and hit all of our stuff and rocked the floor the second day!  After performing we had to wait for the nerve racking awards.. A couple hours later, awards rolled around and our section was up. They called off all the worlds bid winners and our name was not called. We all looked at each other confused and upset. Seniors were crying and really upset cause it was their last year. Our coach came over and said that we had actually got a bid to Worlds in Disney world. The judges had messed up our score sheets so we ended up getting a big to worlds and we were definitely the happiest people in the building! Best moment of my life!

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