This lincoln log can represent anything. It can be a building block to many different things that you want. The log can also help you build on if you had more logs to attach to the first one. For Mrs. Anthonys case, it can be a hazard. If left on the floor, someone could fall or slip right on it and really hurt themselves. Thankfully thats not the case for my teacher. She approached the log before she stepped on it, picked i tup and thats what became our writing prompt for today. If you look deeper into the log, it can be seen as a big log as if in the woods. Put many of those together and you could make a big fire pit and/or bonfire. Make a party out of it. Also it can represent big rocks as like the grand cannon. If you put a lot of those lincoln logs together you could have the grand cannon. I personally have never been so maybe im completely wrong about that, but im just going to stick with that thought about it for right now. Many little kids play with these logs and build them together tomake bigger things and attach many of them together to make a big masterpiece. Its hard to write a lot about this lincoln log, but ill just keep going. It can represent a person. You can build things off of putting people together and reuniting with one onother. If you put more than one together, you could have a family or even a friend group. If you have a family or friend group of the logs, the only way they will "stick together" it to attach all of them with the indentions that each of them have on their sides. Never stop building onf your friends and family because they will always be there for you no matter what. Keep your friends and family attached to eachother and never let go or let them fall down or fall apart once they are put together. Its almost like legos. you just about attach each lego to another one to make a piece.
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